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Historic Preservation Information

Special Historic "SH" district - NEW regulations now available  

      For a Summary of the Changes - Click Here



Special Capital Local Historic District - possible changes under review

The Zoning Update Committee will be meeting in the near future to continue discussions concerning possible code changes and boundary changes to the historic guidelines for the Special Capital (SC) local historic Zoning District.  

click here to see report and handout materials for the last meeting


Architectural Review Board (ARB)       ARB Annual Schedule     Fees                   

Applications: Certificate of Appropriateness,  Appeal,   variance   Conditional Use Permit           


Special Capital (SC) Zoning District Regulations                  Central Business (CB) Zoning District Regulations

Special Historic (SH) Zoning District Regulations                 Article 17 Architectural Review Board Guidelines


Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies that support Historic Preservation:



...Among other things, decisions on future growth should be considered with awareness for energy conservation, the public need for greenspace and walkability and the need for ties to historic resources, tourism opportunities, and the Kentucky River, including its tributaries.



6. Provide overlays within the city and county that identify aspects of the landscape that are of cultural, ecological and historical significance (for example, mature woodlands, old railroad tracks, stone walls, historic buildings, wetlands, steep slopes, etc.).



Promote the stability, preservation, and vitality of existing residential neighborhoods.



2. Establish programs to stabilize, improve, and revitalize existing neighborhoods.


3. Promote maintenance of existing structures and provide incentives for the rehabilitation of deteriorating structures.


5. Preserve historic buildings and neighborhoods to maintain community character.



The City of Frankfort has 2 National Register Districts within its boundary and is a Certified Local Government that supports, encourages, and requires Histroric Preservation within 3 separate local historic zoning districts.   The City has adopted a Historic Preservation Ordinance (Article 17 of the Zoning Regulations) and utilizes an Architectural Review Board with both administrative and Board approvals for Certificates of Appropriateness on exterior changes to buildings within these districts.


The City's Architectural Review Board (ARB) generally meets the third Tuesday of each month beginning at 5 p.m. and consists of 7 members - each of whom has a demonstrated historic preservation background.


The ARB hears cases within the SC, SH, or CB historic zoning districts relating to exterior modifications to properties , new construction, additions, demolitions, acts as the BZA for variances and conditional use permits, and reviews local/national register designation request.


National Historic District Map - click here

Local Historic Zoning Regulations:  



PLEASE NOTE:  These regulations are currently being re-written and public meetings and hearings will be conducted in Fall 2014 & Spring 2015.   If you would like to be added to our electronic notifications - please click below:






Cafe Permits in the Downtown area:  

If you would like to set up chairs and or other features within the sidewalk area of downtown, an annual permit is required for review and approval.  These are currently limited to eating and drinking businesses.



- Conditions for Cafe permit

Preservation Briefs provide guidance n preserving, rehabilitating, and restoring historic buildings. These NPS Publications help historic building owners recognize and resolve common problems prior to work.

The briefs are especially useful to Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program applicants because they recommend methods and approaches for rehabilitating historic buildings that are consistent with their historic character.

click here for more information:

City Staff: (502)

                           Code Inspectors: 352-2094                         Building Inspector: 352-2102

                           Historic info/Planner: 352-2094                   Electric Inspector: 875-8701

                           Development Plan: 352-2100                      Signs: 352-2094

                           Sewer Department: 875-2448                     Finance Department: 352-2081

                           City Hall: 875-8500

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