Boards within Planning Dept.
Whether you are seeking a conditional use, or been issued a citation, or proposing to build a commercial building, or need a reduction of setback, or want to change the exterior of your building in the historic districts, you may need to seek Board approval.
Joint Frankfort /
Franklin County
Planning Commission
2nd Thursday @ 5:30 p.m.
The 11-member Planning Commission Board generally meets the second Thursday of each month @ 5:30 p.m. The Board consists of 5 City, 5 County, and 1 Governor representative.
visit - "the job of a Planning Commissioner" - pdf
The PC Board hears zone map amendments, certain development plans and/or subdivisions, modifications to standards, and all projects within a Planned Unit Development.
Applications: Development plan, modification of standards, sign package, Record Subdivision Plat, Preliminary Subdivision Plat, Minor/Consolidation Plat, Zone Map Amendment, text amendment
1st Tuesdays @ 5:30 p.m.
Current Agenda - click HERE
The 7-member Board of Zoning Adjustment generally meets the first Tuesday of each month @ 5:30 p.m. The Board consists of 4 City and 3 County representatives.
The BZA Board hears dimensional variances to setbacks or height, conditional use permits, and appeals of administrative determinations.
Applications: Variance, Conditional Use Permit, Appeal
The City's Architectural Review Board generally meets the third Tuesday of each month beginning at 5 p.m. and consists of 7 members - each of whom has a demonstrated historic preservation background.
The ARB hears cases within the SC, SH, or CB historic zoning districts relating to exterior modifications to properties , new construction, additions, demolitions, and acts as the BZA for variances and conditional use permits, and reviews local/national register designation requests.
Applications: Certificate of Appropriateness, Appeals; Variance
The City's Code Enforcement Board is a newly re-established board that replaces the former Nuisance Code Hearing Board. The CEB consists of 5 members all being citizens of Frankfort. They generally meet the fourth Tuesday of each month beginning at 5:00 pm.
The CEB hears appeals or contested cases requested by the owner relating to issued citations of the Public Nuisance Code.
Here is the full process flow chart for violations

City Staff: (502)
Code Inspectors: 352-2094 Building Inspector: 352-2102
Historic info/Planner: 352-2094 Electric Inspector: 875-8701
Development Plan: 352-2100 Signs: 352-2094
Sewer Department: 875-2448 Finance Department: 352-2081
City Hall: 875-8500